Monday, March 2, 2009

Orientation Dinner.

I ventured myself into the realms of Taylor's once again, glad to have met a few familiars on the way, like Jonathan Ho, Xavian Ang and Serene Ong. I guess I'm not alone! Met new found friend, Chui Nee there too. lol Orientation lasted for 2 and a half days.
Orientation Dinner was the end of day 2, which started at 7.30 p.m.

Nice performances, such as the dude juggling the rod of flames.
Loads of people there. Singing, dancing and filled with games. E.g. of one is the musical chair. o.O
Well, who'd have thought the dinner turned out to be disco! Night fever! Night fever! Xavian malu-malu want to dance. XD In the end at that night, he finally repented and redempted on his harsh words which has befallen on an innocent girl. Both of them became friends after that. hahah

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