Sunday, January 25, 2009

Operation Weng-Wai-Cheer-Up!

Place(s): Piccadilly's Restaurant, Section 14; Gasoline, Hulu Langat; cyber cafe and Restaurant Insaf, Tmn Sri Sentosa.

Time: : 7:30 p.m. till' late.

Date: 23rd January 2009.

Situation at first: Looking at Weng Wai...he looks clummy and clammy at the beginning, still weeping on the loss he had encountered...not even knowing what would happen today, only bad thoughts was wondering that poor soul's mind.

Situation at end: Looking at Weng Wai...oh my, he didn't expect what was coming..we was filled with joy and laughter during the expedition and was extremely happy that his long awaited Lava Lamp Ocean Bleu' had finally been his...he even belanja-ed all of us teh tarik for it..=)...after receiving the pressie, he finally knew that his luck will be changing from now onwards..(he even sat in table no. 88 at Gasoline!) Filled with clouds in his head, he became very energized and ended up playing Left 4 Dead with all of us..(friggin' awesome game!!)

Outcome: He's happy!! =D (Success!!)

This dope here is him and he loves Malaysia.Lookout Point, Hulu Langat gateway.And the view from top.
We 'feel good' pose.
We 'lala' pose.
We 'wrongly' pose.
We formally pose.
Weng Wai's Lava Lamp Ocean Bleu'!
Will be idling for a week due to Chinese New Year!! Till' then.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mamak Session.

Finally! I've been having difficulties trying to blog, having bad internet connection lately and yes, it has been 19 days since my last update. my blog started at 2:07 a.m. ....guess what am I doing so early up?

Bingo!!..eating dinner at 2:00 a.m. (not advisable, may cause a rise in kilogrammes) SO kids, don't try this at home, as you can see...the rice consumed by me is superbly hard to know what I mean, salivary glands not properly functioning at this time.

I was then wondering on what to do since I've already slept from 9.00 p.m. ...medication would be in another 30 minutes time...hmmm...then something come into the picture.

So I decided to give it another try and whaddya know? Internet connection seems to be perfectly fine!!...which lead me to blogging...

Loads of things had happen in between and many outings were done, such as the Melacca Trip, but as for today..I'm gonna focus onto the 'Mamak Session'.

The 'session' started with Yung (by the way, good cooking! You'll make a fine chef one day!) and me arriving at Old Town White Coffee, Section 14 30 minutes before the meeting time. (feeling awkward as we are always fashionably late..XD)

We talked about topics from "how's life?" all the way to "how many wives you want?" (basically crap-talk and bonding time with old friends)

This is Old Town White Coffee's special! The Old Town Iced-White Coffee (Gao)...which means betul-betul kau-kau!! Yung Khang ordered it and it made him looked something like this in expression..XD

Then, we decided to go to Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya since all of us we so cooked up into ghost stories and we ended up going there and not saying anything about ghosts...hehe...pretty creepy lights, just the dark park..O.O While chilling there, my friend had an awesome idea about making a ghost scene where someone just disappear in thin air using only a camera phone..It turned out to be marvellous, it could even be an Oscar nominated scene..>.<

Blair Witch Project Failure.

LOL ROFL isn't it? [",]

Then, we decided to go to A&W to shake off them eerie feelings and we became architects...I'm not too sure myself about what me and me lads made...but it sure seems like a professional's creation..XD

The last and final place we went is a mamak stall beside Paandi's..and we were all wiped out..everyone was pretty much zombiefied, stoned and jaded (for the girls only)...kind of a record with them...4 swaped places, 7hours from 9:30 p.m. till' 4:00 a.m. hehe

Well, time to take my medication and go to sleep...need to sleep early before someone SOUNDS me XD...Till' then..

Well, well...found this picture in my phone...and I WONDER, who in the world would put SUSHI into a bowl of ICE-SCREAM...hmm...seems like someone fickle...XD (gagagagga!)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009.

First and foremost, I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Merry New Year 2009. Let this year be filled with success and spontaniousness!! *reciting mantra*

As you can see, that is only 1/4 of the view from Villa Angsana. 2 hours before the countdown, my family and I went to Domino's Piz and ordered 2 rounds of em'. While waiting, I came across Jia Yun's store, and was shocked to find out about it. HEHE >.O In search of drinks high and low, we finally found 'leong cha' and sugar cane. We soon journeyed back to Villa Angsana and feast on them foods while waiting for the time to come.

Soon, my neighbour started countdown, so we all got prepared to see the entire KL light up!

Nice fireworks, one by one they launch their works, not simultaneously though.

My house. [",]

2/4 of the view from Vila Angsana.


Daytime. Not bad for a place on the 27th floor.

Video of Fireworks. O.O

My New Year was almost destroyed as I am officially banned form my PS2 again BUT my New Year was also saved on the same day this tragic event happened. Arigato gozaimasta! AND I would have to LOVE MATHEMATICS from now on. {",} Till' then.

Jia Yun's Shop.

OMG!! What a Happy New Year surprise for me! YAP JIA YUN!!!

I didn't know you had a store all by yourself!!


WOW!! You even got your own logo..I'm jealous. >.<