Thursday, September 25, 2008


well, for those of you who actually linger upon wondering whether there is more to it rather than just plain words, to an extend, there is hidden sentences from words. after being at home stoning, staring blankly at blank..i discovered these wonderful sentences.

Sentences formed from stoning meditation:-

D.R.E.A.M - Dreadful Realities Eating Away Minds

W.I.M.P - Wierd Imbecilic Maniac Punk

F.A.R.T - Flaming Air Release Technique

S.H.I.T - Sequential Hi-tech Indulgence Technique

S.A.M - Study Atau Mati

F.O.O.L - Funny Onion-like Orge Lifeforms

F.U.N - Facing Unlimited Nonsense

F.A.I.L - Failing Aimlessly In Love

H.E.L.L - Help Evil Last Longer

H.E.A.V.E.N - Help Every Angel Vaporize Evil Now

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